Words of Love

As a designer, I combine words and pictures to communicate clients’ messages.

In my personal work, I do the same thing, but I’m expressing my message.

To convey my message I have used painting, collage and installation.

In my project, Words of Love, I use words to touch on the deepest and most basic of human emotions.

The Words of Love installations follow the same form as a “Roommate Wanted” flyer. 

The installations are meant to inspire love and kindness through viewers’ exchange of words on the tear-off tabs.

The words in this installation express antidotes to the quarantine we all are experiencing. In this installation, the flyers are placed in public places where viewers are invited to remove words and use them.

They may keep the words or give them to friends, loved ones, strangers, or anyone.

They may choose to put the words in public places, or display them at home, work, school, or anywhere.

These tear-off tabs are designed to be taken out into the world and used to enrich people’s lives.

Tom Smith, New York 21 aprile 2020